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    Take your life to the next level.
    Life changing
    adventure inside!

Our Dream ...

Every day we face new life challenges. Wouldn't it be great if there was someone who understood and could truly walk beside us in our journey?

If someone invited you to this app it's because they would like to offer you the opportunity to take your life journey to the next level. We've created a safe, private and distraction free chat space where you can explore one-on-one some of the big questions in life that really matter like "Who am I?" and "What am I here for?" and "Does God exist; and if he does, does he really care about me?". Many before you have discovered a new life by answering these important questions.

We've created different pathways that your personal guide can take you on. At each sign post you can stop and chat and ask them about what you've just learned ... or anything else for that matter.


Taking personal online coaching to the Next Level

Relational First

How you relate with your coach is key to staying motivated so we redesigned the learning experience around your coaching relationship rather than course material.

Private and Safe

If you're needing someone to listen and understand then you can be anonymous and that's ok. This isn't Facebook. On the flipside our coaches are accountable to someone else who's watching out for you.


Coaches can adapt lesson plans based on your needs. They share life stories, prayer and personal lessons interwoven with scriptures enabling deeper guided spiritual conversations.

Low Bandwidth

We offer an improved experience to users having low bandwidth or a limited data budget.

Time is Precious

Coaches are busy people so we made their time efficiency a top priority ... but without loosing their personal touch.

Passing it on

Passing on what you learn is the best part and so we're making this simple and easy to do. Maybe one day you'll be the coach!

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